#64fc54 hex color red value is 100, green value is 252 and the blue value of its RGB is 84. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color ...
The hexadecimal color code #64fc54 is a medium light shade of green. In the RGB color model #64fc54 is composed of 39.22% red, 98.82% green and 32.94% blue. In ...
The hexadecimal color #5464fc has RGB values of R:84, G:100, B:252 and CMYK values of C:0.67, M:0.6, Y:0, K:0.01. Its decimal value is 5530876.
In a RGB color space, hex #54fc98 is composed of 32.9% red, 98.8% green and 59.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 66.7% cyan, 0% magenta, ...
First and foremost, my deepest and sincerest appreciation goes to my supervisors Prof. François Peeters, Dr. Mohammad Zarenia, and Prof.
... 64fc54/12928.pdf [c:irua:147179]. First-principles studies of novel two-dimensional materials and their physical properties · Aierken Yierpan, Peeters François ...
... 64fc54/12928.pdf [c:irua:147179]. 2016. A1 Journal article. Energy levels of ABC-stacked trilayer graphene quantum dots with infinite-mass boundary conditions.
This postcard is from publisher Brück & Sohn in Meißen (de:Brück & Sohn).This postcard has a unique number 13186 and is available in a higher resolution at the ...
wallpaper green one colour solid color plain single #64fc54 2048x2732 · wallpaper solid color single plain black one colour #010d0c 2048x2732 wallpaper blue ...
B7FEAC, A0FE93 A0FE93, 84FD74 84FD74, 64FC54 64FC54. 14, EAFFE7 EAFFE7, E2FFDE E2FFDE, D7FED2 D7FED2, C8FEC1 C8FEC1, B5FEAC B5FEAC, 9DFD92 9DFD92, 81FC74 81FC74.